Mighty Optical Illusions

Mighty Kid Optical Illusion

Here’s a funny photo I just received moments ago! No need to explain the illusion (or is it illusion at all!?), and I believe most of you will see it instantly! Now the only thing left is for me to decide whether I should categorize this as Funny or Scary! Perhaps both.. The only hint I can give you, is that it wouldn’t be wise to anger this kid. He might slap you, and if he was left handed – it wouldn’t end up well for you… Enjoy!

BTW, I have acknowledged your comments about the “annoying” ad that expands and pushes the content down. As much as it disturbs you, please be kind and endure this with me for few more days until the campaign is over. We got ourselves a brand new dedicated server recently (which costs thousands of dollars), so bear with me cause them ads pay for site operations, and cover all of the expenses. I’ll see what I can do about it, but the alternate “donation” route isn’t something I would prefer…

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