Traffic Summary
Mighty Optical Illusions (c) website is growing rapidly – our monthly impression count already exceeds 2,000,000 (two million) page impressions. Eventhough this website is rather new, our traffic grows exponentially. We already acchieved page rank 6 (PR6). We are always interested in link exchange with sites of simmilar PR and traffic. Here’s the traffic graph and proceedures to obtain link exchange with us:
Exchange Links with Mighty Optical Illusions Mainpage:
To do so, send us email at:, providing your PR, traffic stats and explain where would you place our link.
Exchange Links with Mighty Optical Illusions links.html Page:
In this case your link wouldn’t appear on our mainpage, but rather in our /links section. To exchange links in this kind of way, send us email at:, give us your PR status, traffic stats and explain where would you place our link. There is also possibility if you have lower traffic, and low PR but would still like to exchange links with us, to place our link on your mainpage in exchange of appearing on our /links.html page.
If you would like to implement your ads, links or banners to our site, contact us at the same adress: so we can discuss further possibilities. Your ads will probably be placed in our sidebar, between posts or website’s footer.
Send us email and we can surely work out something.
Vurdlak of Mighty Optical Illusions