Mighty Optical Illusions

Lake-o-saurus Illusion in Google Earth

I have just received this submission from associate of mine, and found it pretty interesting. We haven’t had Google Earth illusions lately, so this one comes just in time. As you probably see, this aerial photo of a lake (location: Zagreb, Croatia – 45.78231, 16.024332) greatly resembles a creature of some sort. Gordan recognized a dinosaur figure, while I had more luck spotting an Alien from the same titled SF Movie. What do you see? A dinosaur, alien, alligator or maybe even a dragon? We already had dragon in Google Earth, so you might want to check it out as well! Oh, and those of you who didn’t add Facebook application, “Illusion of The Day”, hurry while it still lasts ;)

Update: Some visitors corrected me, and sent the larger image. If you look at the one posted above (small thumbnail on the left), it looks more like a dino now! There is correct link and co-ordinates in the comments section.

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