I have to say that I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about this next illusion when I first saw it. At first, I actually thought it was real. Once you see the image, you’ll understand why I was a little disturbed.
Can you imagine driving behind this truck? What would you think?
A little creepy, no?
Granted, once you get closer to the back of the truck, you’d most likely be able to tell that it wasn’t real. THe kidnapping victim in the back of the truck is nothing more than an illusion. In fact, if you look at the back of the truck from a slightly different angle, you can easily tell that this is nothing more than a decal…
So, this optical illusion is clearly nothing more than a decal, but what’s the story behind this one?
Apparently, this optical illusion was created for advertising purposes. Hornet Signs, a Texas vinyl graphics company, created this realistic decal. A company employee volunteered to model for a photograph, and the photograph was used to create the decal. It turned out so well that some local residents actually called the police to report a kidnapping.
The whole purpose of this kidnapping decal was to show off their skills and garner attention. The company did get lots of attention for this, but it may not have been the type of attention that they wanted.
Not surprisingly, lots of people had a little something to say about a company plastering an image of a bound woman on the back of a truck. It wasn’t just local residents either. The Hornet Signs Facebook page received negative comments and backlash from people around the world about this little kidnapping optical illusion stunt.
What did the owner of the company, Brad Kolb, have to say about people’s reactions? Well, he certainly wasn’t expecting worldwide attention, and he stated that it wasn’t “anything we certainly condone or anything else, but it was just something…we had to put out there to see who notices it.”
Well, Brad, people noticed!
What do you think about this truck decal? Was it tasteless and insensitive, or was it brilliant?
Think this illusion would be weird to see driving down the road? What’s even weirder is a car riding a skateboard!