Mighty Optical Illusions

Inside Out Cube Illusion

Today’s cube illusion was sent into the Might Optical Illusions Facebook page by Kovacs. Thank you yet again, Kovacs!

I opened it and immediately thought I was staring at the outer corner of a cube. Then, it looked like it was actually the inner corner of a cube. Then, it looked like just a bunch of little cubes.

And now, I’m so confused!

What do you think about this cube illusion? Is it the outside corner or inside corner? Or, is it not a cube illusion at all…?

See what I mean? It’s a little hard to tell if you’re looking at the outside or inside of a cube. If you look at it just right, you can probably even see both perspectives.

I love hearing what you guys think, so be sure to leave your thoughts on this cube illusion below in the comments section! And, don’t forget to take a moment to rate it below!

When you’re done trying to figure out this cube illusion, head over and check out this other cube optical illusion posted on the site!

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