Mighty Optical Illusions

How Do You Sit On This Chair?


Today, I enjoyed my day hanging out and shopping.  I needed more chairs to entertain my guests.  This was my chance to splurge on the cool item like the ones I always see on Pinterest.

As I walked into the store to try new chairs, there was a particular one I had trouble with.  You see, there was a special way to sit on this chair.  The store associate saw what happened and came over to offer assistance.   Which way would you face to sit on this chair?

Not the direction you thought eh?  Hahaha.  This is all about the perspective of where the chair was facing.  It also throws the eye off with the design abstraction of this chair.  Some Saturday shenanigans.  My guests will literally “fall” in love with them.  Comment/Share if you need this chair.

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