Mighty Optical Illusions

Hidden Animals in Snow Illusion

It’s the second morning in a row that I’ve woken up to snow on the ground outside. Even though it’s already spring, it seems as though Mother Nature has decided to play one last little snowy trick on us. After a whole mild winter with very little snow (highly unusual for this area), we got dumped on one last time and now my daffodils are dead. Bummer! On the plus side, I figured that today was a good day to pull out a snowy illusion. Can you find the hidden animals in this snow illusion…?

Some of the hidden animals in this snow illusion will probably jump out at you; others, not so much. It actually took me a couple moments to find the one group of animals.

It wasn’t until I actually posted this snow illusion just now that I saw another animal hidden in this picture. The second hidden animal that I spotted was rather large, so I’m not sure how I missed it the first time around!

I’m sure there are more hidden animals in this snow illusion that I just haven’t spotted yet, and I know you guys are pretty good at stuff like this. What other hidden animals do you spot in this image?

If you liked searching for the animals in the snow, you’ll definitely want to check out this rainforest full of hidden animals!

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