Mighty Optical Illusions

Funny But Gross Optical Illusion

I must admit that I can be a bit childish at times. I should be all mature about stuff an be all like “oh, that’s just immature!”, because I’m an adult and all, right? But I can’t help myself. I blame it on having a 10 year old son. Because, of course, I wasn’t like that before! No…not me! So, now when I see a gross optical illusion, sometimes I can’t help but snicker a little. Take today’s gross optical illusion…

The serious adult in me thinks “oh, pssh! That’s just a guy sitting in a chair with a fountain in the background behind him.” But, then the childish side shoves the adult out of the way and snickers “tee-hee… He’s peeing!”

I know. I’m childish. I can’t help it.

If you enjoy a funny but gross optical illusion as much as my childish side does, be sure to rate this illusion with five stars below! If it’s popular enough, maybe my childish side will choose the morning illusions a little more often…

If you liked this gross optical illusion, head over and check out this dirty mind test and this dirty ceiling light illusion!

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