Mighty Optical Illusions

Funky Leaning House Optical Illusion

We’re almost finished with the move into the new house, and I have to say…it’s been quite an experience! Trying to move while working full+ time has been incredibly stressful, draining and painful. I’ve pretty much decided that I’m going to live here forever. Either that, or I’m just leaving everything and starting fresh next time!

I feel a little like I’ve been hit by a bus, I’m emotionally drained, and I’m just generally off-kilter. Today’s leaning house optical illusion just seems pretty fitting right now…

It looks like the builders didn’t quite think this one through, no? What were they thinking? This leaning house is at such a crazy angle I can’t even imagine trying to walk around in it!

Or is it…?

After rotating the leaning house picture, I think I see what’s going on here. The builders weren’t crazy and the house isn’t leaning at all, but built on a hill. In the first picture, the camera man was just holding the camera so the road was level like the ground should be.

It’s a pretty simple illusion, but it’s still pretty neat, I think! Let me know what you think by rating this leaning house illusion with the stars below…

If you liked this leaning house optical illusion, you might also like this tilted house optical illusion.

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