Mighty Optical Illusions

Follow The Spiral!

Every once in a while the moment arrives for a complete visual redesign of this website! A total makeover, if you prefer. Reasons are many; trends change, web-design advances… but most importantly -I get tired working in the same surrounding and need something to boost myself in order to continue updating this blog with same enthusiasm!

Up-till now, visual design of Mighty Optical Illusions was done by myself. Obviously, it didn’t take very long before I’ve reached my limits. For a control-freak and detail-obsessed person I am, admitting this wasn’t the easy part. Yet it helped tremendously in freeing myself and in finding the right person to do it. It was about time to outsource design to a professional!

Before I introduce the proposed idea, and go live with our new identity, there are still some minor details to be polished. Still, I’d REALLY appreciate to hear your thoughts and suggestions! So here it goes – below you may find the early mockup of our new appearance. What do you make of it? Be sure to open the template in full size before you make up your mind. I still haven’t decided should we keep the grayish header bar (reserved for advertisement), as well as the current logo suggestion? How about the general feel? What would you add/change? Looking forward to hear your opinion! …Oh, almost forgot to mention the illusion above – it appears there is one continuous black and white spiral, while in fact there are many concentric circles inside!

Click on the template above to open it in full size!
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