Mighty Optical Illusions

Dog or Cats Illusion

My black lab puppy is about 7 months old right now. And, let me tell you…he’s a little hellion! That doesn’t mean that I don’t love his furry little butt to pieces, but some days, man! Wow! Lately, he’s taken to trying to “make friends” with my poor cat. Unfortunately, making friends involves barking at, chasing, and swatting at the poor little dear. Needless to say, she doesn’t really find this all that friendly or as funny as we do, and the swatting and hissing commences. I now completely understand the term “fighting like cats and dogs”. Which brings me to today’s rather ambiguous illusion—the dog or cats illusion…

Which did you see first in this illusion? Did the dog jump out at you? Or did you see two mischievous little kitties?

Don’t forget to rate this dog or cats illusion with the stars below! When you’re done, you can also check out the dinner time for fat cat illusion!


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