Have you ever seen something that just makes you go…”huh??” Of course you have and you probably love it, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Well, I ran across something the other day that made me do just that.
It took me a moment to figure out what was wrong with today’s photo illusion. It actually isn’t that difficult to spot, though, and when you do see it, it’ll blow your mind a little.
So, can you see what’s wrong with this photo illusion right away?
If you still can’t see it, I’ll give you a hint—take a good look at her hand in this photo illusion. Or should I say her foot? Or both?
In this photo illusion, it looks like she doesn’t have a hand at all. Instead, it looks like her arm ends in a foot. Definitely weird! Of course, this is a photo illusion and we know that things aren’t always what they seem. This photo illusion is just a product of good timing and positioning. It looks like this woman is simply reaching down toward her foot, and the skin of her arm and hand blends in with the skin on her ankle and foot. The result is a interesting photo illusion of a lady with a foot-hand. So, I guess we could call this the foot-hand photo illusion…?
Don’t forget to rate this foot-hand photo illusion below! If you liked this illusion, you might also want to take a peek at this horse mouth photo illusion!