Mighty Optical Illusions

David Blaine’s Underwater Magic

Usually I don’t post story coverages to this website, but this one concernes David Blaine and his new underwater performance. Shortly, this Monday, Blaine immersed himself in a human-sized water bowl where he’ll live for a week. He will use oxygen and feeding tubes to sustain him during the stunt. But that’s not all! As a dramatic finale to his “ubercool” scenario, David will attempt to break the world breath-holding record by holding his breath for 9 minutes while trying to escape from heavy chains!? Some major risks include: hypothermia, blackouts and brain damage. For the last one, he doesn’t have to worry, he obviously sufferes from it already. I’m sure it’s just an eye illusion, but can you help me and guess how this trick works? Looking forward to hear your professional opinnions!

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