Today’s optical illusion may leave you a little creeped out. It’s like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, or a blast from the future.
It’s a robot leg!
Eek! This robot leg reminds me a little of I, Robot. I’m just waiting for a creepy robot voice to say “You have been deemed hazardous.”
However, this robot optical illusion is just that—an illusion.
You can see the makeup and brushes used to create the appearance of a robot leg next to the computer. I can’t imagine even attempting anything like this. My robot leg wouldn’t turn out anything like this, It would come out more Rosie the robot from The Jestsons than I, Robot.
I mean, the detail in this thing is absolutely amazing! In fact, some people on Reddit doubt that this is a real makeup job at all. Most think that this robot leg job is not a spectacular makeup job, but a clever Photoshop job.
Makeup or Photoshop, I say it’s still impressive either way! But, what do you think about this robot leg optical illusion—makeup or Photoshop?