Mighty Optical Illusions

Cats and Dogs Illusion

Minding his own business, Tomcat the cat went for a walk. Suddenly he saw an intruder in his sight, and ran away with all his might. The intruder chased him all the way down the lane, until Tomcat tried to jump over the fence. The fence was too high, so all our our little friend managed to do, was catch its edge. Hanging from the fence, with intruder down his pants, Tomcat had no chance

Hehe, don’t mind this little poem I wrote in few seconds. It was just a cheesy try to bump the amount of text within this article. But the question remains; what did scare the cat? Can you presume who the intruder was, and find him in the below image? If you need a hint before expanding the solution, I advise you to check this post first. Enjoy!

[DDET Click To Expand The Solution!]


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