Mighty Optical Illusions

Can You Focus?

Today I found out about augmented reality browser called Layar. I’m positive this is the closest we get to what future will look like. Incredible! So what is it all about? In short, you’ve all probably heard about geo-location services lately, but what this thing does, it combines all of the geo-tagged data, and shows it on-top of your camera display. When you look at the environment through your phone display, it uses a built in orientation device, and adds preferred layers on-top of a real life surroundings. Imagine you walk into a club, look through your mobile phone camera, and see interactive information hovering above people, or see tweets hovering at your favorite coffee shop. You need to try this yourself to see what I mean. The possibilities are endless! Can’t remember last time something amazed me this much. For the illusion – no info was available. Just try and focus. Something funny is happening, but can’t understand what.

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