Mighty Optical Illusions

Brick Wall Illusion | Can You See It?

Well, I’m quite late with my illusion post today! I feel like quite a dope right about now, but things are pretty hectic around here right now. My daughter has strep throat and everything is just all bungled up with the rest of the family. Crazy! Kind of like today’s brick wall illusion…

Apparently, this brick wall illusion has the Internet all up in arms lately. Once again, my dopiness kicked in on this one and it took me longer than I care to admit to figure out what was wrong with this picture. But, there is something amiss in this photo…

Some of you will probably see it right away, but some of you will struggle to see it. For those of you struggling with this one, I promise you that once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Every time you look at this picture, it’ll jump right out at you!

If you liked this brick wall illusion, head over and check out this other image that stumped the Internet!


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