Mighty Optical Illusions

Awesome Small Scale Sidewalk Chalk Art by David Zinn!

We’ve all seen the monstrous sidewalk chalk art illusions, right? Sure, they’re incredibly impressive and take tons of talent to pull off, but sometimes small scale sidewalk chalk art packs just as much of a punch!

Check out this awesome small scale chalk art design by artist David Zinn to see what I mean…

This piece of sidewalk art was created on a concrete step. The cat above is getting ready to pounce on the little man coming out the door below. It’s so well drawn and shaded that it almost appears real!

I love this pie of chalk art! Although it’s small, I think it packs just as much of a punch as some of the massive pieces created by other sidewalk artists! This isn’t the extent of his work either. You can check out more small scale chalk art designs on his website.

Love this small scale sidewalk chalk art? Head over and check out out massive collection of all kinds of chalk art!

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