Mighty Optical Illusions

Another Lips or Leaf Optical Illusion

It’s about the best week of autumn here. The leaves are still on the trees and they’re at their peak color. The hills are awash in gorgeous hues of red, orange, yellow, and gold. It’s simply beautiful!

Because of the time of the season, I figured that a leaf optical illusion would be just the thing today. And, it just so happens that I ran across this lips or leaf optical illusion the other day. Perfect timing!

At first glance, this image really looks like a pair of luscious lips, all dressed up in a deep burgundy lipstick. The color of the table it’s siting on is the color of flesh, and makes this lips or leaf optical illusion even more realistic. However, it doesn’t take long to realize that you’ve been had! Look a little more closely at this lips or leaf optical illusion and you can easily see that it’s a pretty colored autumn leaf.

Tricked again! If this illusion tricked you, give us a little credit! Take a moment and rate it below…

If you liked this lips or leaf optical illusion, make sure you head over and check out this smiling leaf illusion and this kiss me illusion!

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