Mighty Optical Illusions

Absolutely Amazing 3 Art!

Today’s 3D art illusion is just absolutely amazing! No words are really even necessary to introduce this video, since it pretty much speaks for itself. Check out the video below and prepare to be amazed…


Looking at this 3D art from the sides, it looks like a few 3D pyramids sticking out of the picture frame. Start walking around the piece, though, and it transforms into what looks like hallways filled with art when you look at it straight on.

I would love to see this 3D artwork
in person, so if anyone’s headed to the Birmingham Art Gallery, pick me up on the way. I’ll pay at the pump.

If you loved this art illusion as much as I did, be sure to give it 5 big fat stars below!

Love this 3D art? You won’t want to miss this square to circle piece of art then!

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