Mighty Optical Illusions

3D Tunnel Drawing Optical Illusion

One of my favorite types of optical illusions is when people do 3D drawing optical illusions. The reason I love these types of illusions is due to the fact that the people who create them are absolutely amazingly talented people. Seriously, you could put a pencil in their hand, put a sketch book in front of them, and they’re able to pull off some amazing stuff. They’re able to take something that they see in their mind and then translate it onto paper, which is pretty amazing to me. From looking at the stats on the site and on the MoIllusion Facebook page, it looks like a lot of you out there love looking at these 3D drawings, as well. Today, I’m going to bring you a 3D optical illusion sketch someone did of a tunnel. Are you ready to check out this amazing piece of artwork? If so, you can start scrolling down right now.

I don’t know about you, but I’d love to see someone go to a real tunnel and maybe make it look like this with some chalk or something. That would definitely be a cool optical illusion, as well. If you liked this optical illusion, you should rate it by clicking on one of the star images below to let me know what you thought about this post. If you really liked it, you could also share this post with your friends on Facebook, because I’m sure they’ll dig it, as well. Lastly, you can leave your thoughts on this post by leaving a comment below in the comments section. I always love to receive feedback from our readers, so you’re more than welcome to use that feature if you want to. I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and I hope you have a great day.

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