Mighty Optical Illusions

3D Shark Illusion (Street Art)

Wow, as you see our number of articles per day ratio really jumped big time! Josh posted his second article, and its really scary one if I may add! I think these italic introductions by me aren’t necessary any more, they are here just to inform new visitors that we have some mighty new co-editors on this site. If you are interested to participate in this web 2.0 beta project, drop me an email, and we’ll see what we can do ;) – Vurdlak

Co-editor Josh here, with some new 3D Street Art. I love these! For those who don’t know, 3D Street Art are just like your regular footpath art (done with chalk or paint on footpaths), except they are done in such a way that they appear 3D! In this case, the shark looks like it’s really coming out of the path – Mighty Josh

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