These Heads Up Juice Glasses (which can be found in our partner store) come with two glasses consisted of multiple meaning illusions, one featuring a boy and one featuring a girl, both of which transform into an older version of the same character when flipped upside down.
I have to say, I think the girl illusion above is way stronger than the boy one below. The man with the beard on the boy’s cup is much harder to see than any of the other characters, mostly because of his weirdly wrinkled brow.
Of course, if you require a little inebriation prior to being able to see your illusions, you might consider skipping the glasses and going right to the bottle. This Before & After beer can help remind you just what might happen if you down a few too many bottles.
Here’s to hoping none of your night’s events end up looking quite so drastically different by the light of day!
Hey man,
They’re cool and all – but hardly an ‘illusion’…
Hi Jill; I thought you might like this video of mine; it’s based on the same illusion:
Ver Cool i like this illsions
P.S First
The before and after on the Triple Bock beer bottles should be flipped. The before should be bottle right side up so that’s how she looks before you start drinking and afterwards the more the bottle is turned upside down from drinking the more she looks like the after, but nice illusion.
Actually the brow is identical between the two cups. It#s the mouth in the beard that is difficult to see.
that is sooooooooo cooooooooolllllllllllll!!!! wjere do ou get all these illusions?? i really like the illusions that have something to do with faces/people
With the beer girl (after), it’s easy to find her cute. But look again and look at her forehead! See got a giant horn growing out of her forehead!
I don’t think the man with the beard is more difficult to see because of his weirdly wrinkled brow, because it is the same as the girls.
I think you recognize the upside-down boy sooner then the sad baldy because the mouth of the old guy takes to much time to recognize..
lol thats funny
ive seen the last 1 though
Stuff like this was popular, when I was a nipper! It’s ture what my gran use to say. You can keep things for a hundred years and they still be in fashion.
I agree the girl illusion is alot cleaner but in the bearded man if you look at his eyebrows you can see the face easier in my opinion
very illusion
cool! i saw the man, but the woman was waaaaay easier to see.
anyone notice that the sticker at the top of the 3rd picture doesn’t switch?